League of Legends is an MMO that is played by millions across the world. So far the game has had seven major updates, which were called "seasons." Through time the game has evolved to what it is today. New champions, Map reworks, and champion reworks have helped League of Legends evolve as a game. Eventually, League of Legends became an official ESport, and teams started to form. These teams brought together people from different cultures and parts of the world who all had a common interest in League of Legends. I like a lot about League of Legends, such as the champions and the players of the game. After a while, you can run out of champions to play, and the game could become dull and repetitive. But watching or going aganist another player can keep the game fresh and exciting. Each player has a different style of playing, and with millions of players, each unique in their style, the game could never get old. I like how even if you loose a few games or get angry, the game always draws you back to play another.
As of now, there are 136 champions to choose from and much more on the way. The game is constantly evolving, along with the games "meta." The meta of League of Legends depends on who you choose and how you play. If you go a champion who is not played often, your pick is considered off-meta. This doesn't just apply to champion picks, you're play style can also have a say in this. For example, the meta is for the bottom lane to have two players in it. These players are the attack damage carry, and support. My favorite champion is Jax, following this paragraph is a full list of my favorite League Of Legends Champions. My favorite game mode is Ranked Solo/Duo. You can climb the ranks and reach the highest rank of Challenger, and as of now, I am the Rank Bronze II. The new champions and rotating game modes keep the game interesting to me. With so many champions, and even more being added, you can always have a different experience by either playing new champions or playing against new champions. I am interested in the community that surrounds League of Legends such as Pro Players, Content Creators, and streamers. Each of these people keeps the game interesting by showing their skills, ideas, and commitment to the game. You can either watch or play the game, and either way you can find that you enjoy yourself.