Gravity Falls is a show made by Alex Hirsch and originally aired in 2012. Its first episode being Tourist Trapped and its last episode being Weirdmaggedon Part 4: Into The Woods which aired on March 24, 2016. This show follows a brother and sister on a trip to "Gravity Falls." In the four years this show has aired it has been surrounded in mystery, and many ciphers. For example at the end of each episode intro an image can be seen for a split second. This picture is a picture of a cipher that is used at the end of the series. Secrets also include hidden messages, reversed messages in the intro and many more secrets.
The entire series has been covered in mysteries ciphers and puzzles for fans to solve in between episodes. Many people would theorize what these pictures or codes mean and this helped Gravity Falls gain more popularity. The mystery of this show is what made me love it so much when the first episode aired. I was a very big fan ever since the beginning of the show in 2012. When the series ended in early 2016 I was sad, but at the end of the episode a clip of a real life Bill Cipher statue was played. I thought nothing of this but soon figured out the meaning. I looked online and Alex Hirsch had created a international scavenger hunt for this statue. Clues and hints were scattered throughout the world and eventually a group of people were able to find it. Even after the end of the show it remained interesting. The show has many characters in it, but the main and important characters are main Dipper, Mabel, Grunkle Stan, Stanford, Gideon, Wendy, Soos, Old Man McGucket and Bill Cipher. When I refer to "the gang" in this top ten list I am referring to Mabel Dipper Soos, and a few minor characters that are possibly involved. I hope the information I give can persuade you to check out this show.
This episode follows Mabel and Dipper as they travel to Gravity Falls, Oregon. The two are brought to their Great Uncle Stan's house, which is also a tourist attraction called "The Mystery Shack." When Dipper is forced to go into the forest and pin some advertisement signs to trees he discovers a deep secret. This secret is Journal Three, which contains information about paranormal, and unnatural events and beings in Gravity Falls. This book is the basis for the show and will be seen in many episodes to come. Mabel meets a shady looking boy who called himself Norman. She goes out with him but Dipper, with his new found knowledge with Journal 3 is suspicious of him. He does some research in the Journal and figures out that Mabel is going out with a zombie. He rushes to go and help her but when he arrives he finds that Norman was actually a bunch of gnomes trying to get a queen. The gnomes go into a formation of a giant and chase Dipper and Mabel all the way to the Mystery Shack. Mabel and Dipper then use a leaf blower to destroy the giant and chase all the gnomes away
This episode introduces the first villain in the series, Gideon Gleeful. He is 10 supposedly 10 years old, and is madly in love with Mabel. He is a very rich and spoiled child who only cares for himself and no one else, not even his family. The episode starts with the family watching television and a commercial for "Gideon's Tent of Telepathy" Grunkle Stan is angry because he's stealing all of the Mystery Shack's customer and brings everyone there. After the show Gideon sees Mabel is is shown to be in love with her. He becomes very obsessive of her and she isn't able to say no. She accepts the request to a date because she didn't want to break his heart. He takes her out and keeps asking to go on another date after. Eventually Mabel couldn't take it anymore and requested Dipper's help. He goes and confronts Gideon and tells him that Mabel doesn't want to see him anymore and he is surprising calm. Later Gideon hires Toby Turner to call Dipper and send him to a warehouse where he would confront him. As Gideon holds his amulet he says to Dipper; "Listen carefully, boy. This town has secrets you couldn't begin to comprehend." He then uses the amulet to lift Dipper up and kill him. Eventually he breaks free and Dipper gets the amulet away from Gideon. Gideon tackles Dipper and they both fall out the window, then Mabel who had picked up the amulet, uses it to stop their fall. Then she destroys the amulet and says she doesn't want to be with Gideon and her and Dipper leave.
This episode starts off with Great Uncle Stan setting up a fair at the Mystery Shack. When this is complete we follow as Mabel and Dipper have fun. Dipper follows the main love interest, Wendy who is about four years older than Dipper. As he tries to get her attention, Mabel goes off and tries to win a pig by guessing the age of it. Dipper fails to get Wendy's attention she goes with her boyfriend Robbie, and Mabel wins a pig. She names it "Waddles," while Dipper becomes depressed. Next a person appears who is from a faraway time and has a time travel device. His name is Blendin Blenjamin Blandin and was sent from the year 207̃012 to fix a set of anomalies from this time. Dipper has an idea and uses the device to travel back in time to win back Wendy and steals the device which looks like a tape measure from Blanden. He goes back in time with Mabel and together they devise a plan to get a plush bear from a knock down the cans game at the fair. Their plan keeps failing and they keep reliving the day. The one time it works, however, Mabel is unable to win Waddles. They get into a fight because of this, but in the end Dipper decides to go back in time and let Mabel get Waddles. This is a episode both with good plot bringing the character Blanden development and character development showing how Dipper gives up his chance of getting with Wendy for his sister.
This episode combines four mini episodes why also having its own plot. It starts off with the gang finding a huge hole and throwing stuff they don't want into it. Next a huge strong starts and they all fall into the hole. The rest of the episode is the gang telling stories both true and false. The first story is Voice Over in which Dipper tells how he got a serum that fixed his cracks voice and made it a better one. He soon realizes that this is not only a blessing, but a curse. He ends up giving up the new and improved voice for his normal voice. The next story is told by Soos, and it has no name. It starts with him tilting a pinball machine to get a high score and the game sucks him and Mabel and Dipper, who were with him, into the machine. Then they have to survive in the game as Soos figures out how to reset the game. He finds an internal button to reset the fame and they are transported out. The next story is “Grunkle Stan Wins the Football Bowl” and is very short. It consists of Stan scoring a touchdown and winning the game, and then he is praised by everyone and the story ends. The last story is “Trooth Ache” in which Mabel gets Grunkle Stan a pair of fake teeth that force you to say the truth. After seeing how destructive these teeth are with Grunkle Stan she takes them away and locks them in a crate and throws it down the bottomless pit. After that story Mabel says that they already knew the story because they just lived through it. Next a light can be seen below them and when they reach it they are thrown out of the hole, back to where they were.
This episode is the episode that introduces "Bill Cipher" a triangle shaped dream dweller. Gideon summons Bill and sends him to steal a code for a safe that contains the deed for the Mystery Shack. When Mabel and Soos stumble upon Gideon in the forest summoning the dream demon "Bill Cipher" to go into Stan's dream and steal the code to the safe that has the deed to the Mystery Shack. They run back to Stan and Dipper but it is too late, because Bill Cipher has already gotten into Stan's head. At first Dipper refuses to help because Stan does nothing but torment him and pick on him, but eventually gives in. To follow Bill into Stan's mind, Dipper finds a ritual in Journal 3 and they complete it. They are thrown into Stan's mind and try and find Bill before he finds the memory with the code. Stan's mind is the Mystery Shack filled with memories, and has a creepy vibe to it. At the front entrance they run into Bill Cipher who says "You're out of your league, kids. Turn around now before you see something you might regret." This doesn't stop them, and they continue to pursuit the demon. Dipper gives up midway because he sees memories of Stan calling him stupid, weak and other hurtful words. As he stays behind Mabel and Soos push on to find the memory. Eventually they determine that they should find the memory and get rid of it before Bill could get to it. They find it, and Soos says that he'll get it. When they find the memory Soos magically lifts it up, and it is revealed that he was actually Bill and the real Soos shows up when this happens. Bill calls Gideon and starts to give him to code, but before he could Mabel uses a dart gun and shoots it into another memory that contained The Bottomless Pit and it fell in. Gideon says the deals off and Bill become angry and fights Mabel and Soos. During this time Dipper hears another memory of Stan insulting him, but stays around longer this time and finds out he only makes fun of him to toughen him up. He then accidentally falls into the memory and talks with memory Stan. He finds out that you can do anything in the dream world and goes to help Mabel and Dipper. Then they fight Bill and push him out of Stan's mind, winning the battle. After they return, however, they find out that Gideon took other measures to get the deed to the Mystery Shack. He broke in and blew up the safe and got the deed. This makes him the rightful owner of the Mystery Shack and everyone is forced to leave.
In this episode Mabel and Dipper find information about Old Man McGucket who lost his mind a long time ago and go to show it to him. When Dipper is flipping through the pages of his journal McGucket catches a glimpse of the symbol of the Society of the Blind Eye and starts to panic. He says the last thing he remembers is being outside the Gravity Falls Museum, so they go there. They stay there after hours and find out that the Society of the Blind Eye is a society that uses a memory eraser to cleanse the memories of the weird thing seen by citizens in the town. It is found through a tape of Old Man McGuckets memories that he was the creator of this tool. He originally created it to forget about something he saw in a portal to another dimension, which was made by one of his friends that he helped on. Eventually it affects his mind and he uses it on any memory he finds irritating. Soon it is shown that the use of this device made Old Man McGucket insane and made him into what he is today. After the gang escapes being captured by the society, they use the device against them and erase all of the society members memories. The episode ends with everyone leaving the museum.
In this episode Stan is close to finishing a machine that has been hinted at in a few episodes. It was obvious from the beginning that Stan was hiding many secrets, and this is the first episode full dedicated to it. The portal is a portal from another dimension, and he is very intent on finishing it. The portal starts to create more and more gravity anomalies and it is starts to take a bigger effect. This gets the attention of the government and they head to Gravity Falls. They put all the pieces together and figure out that Stan is the one causing them, and they arrest him. Mabel and Dipper try to prove his innocence, but when they try to prove him innocent they find out that Stan is "not who he seems." Stan has a timer set to when the portal opens, and when gravity anomalies will occur. He uses this knowledge to his advantage and escape from the police and get to the portal. Mabel and Dipper find the hidden entrance to the portal lab and the code. They get in and find the portal and are about to shut it down, but Stan runs in and tells them to stop. A big fight begins and Mabel is the only one near the button. She chooses to trust Stan and lets the portal activate. After this everything in the lab is in ruins and a person walks out of the portal. It is revealed that this person in both Stan's brother and the author of the journal.
This episode occurs immediately after Stanford get out of the Portal and returns to the world. The two brothers and a reunion and Stanford is told that the FBI and the US government know about what happened and are coming. They hear the agents upstairs and camp it out in the secret base below the house until they leave. During this time Stanford and Stanley tell their life story, and how Stanford got sucked into the portal. This episode gives a lot of a ground information on both Stanford and Stanley. At the end the agents find the entrance to the secret base, but Stanford creates a plan to brainwash all the agents and tell them false information. To do this they use the brainwash tool that they got in The Society of the Blind Eye. They try the plan and it works, the agents forget why thery are there, and Stanford goes out and tells them it was all a mistake. The agents leave and the episode ends.
In this episode Mabel and Dipper are planning for their 13 birthday and the end of summer. Stanford brings Dipper along on a mission to find some material to seal the contained rift from the portal that Stanley opened up. After retrieving the material Stanford asks Dipper if he wants to stay with him in Gravity Falls and become his apprentice. Dipper wants to accept but thinks about what it would do to Mabel. He ends up saying yes even he would have to leave Mabel behind. At this point Mabel, who put a walkie talkie in Dippers bag before he leaves, is listening in. When Dipper comes home she confronts him about it and they get into a fight. This fight results in Mabel running away from the shack and accidentally taking the bag with the cracked contained rift. She runs into the woods and cries, and then she is approached by Blendin Blandin, a character who is from the future. He asks Mabel for the rift, and tells her that would give her an everlasting summer in return. At first she was skeptical, but gives in because she does not want this summer to end. He takes it from her and smashes it on the ground, reopening the portal. He starts maniacally laughing and when he takes off his goggles it is revealed that Bill Cipher has possessed him. Bill jumps out of his body and snaps his fingers, causing Mabel to faint. He rises into the air and says "At last! At long, long last! The gateway between worlds has opened! The event one billion years prophesied has finally come to pass! The day has come! The world is finally mine!" Mabel is lifted off the ground and put into a giant dream bubble, which is chained up and locked.
This episode was spread out into four parts, each bringing the series closer to an end. It starts off with the town in chaos, and Dipper and Stanford are trying to find a way to stop Bill. Stanford has a specialized gun to stop him, but before he could shot him he is interrupted and he misses. Next Bill turns Stanford into gold while Dipper barely escapes. Dipper finds Wendy in an abandoned mall and she gives Dipper the idea of getting Mabel back from the bubble. On the way there they are stopped by Gideon, who worked for Bill. He tries to stop him and they get into a car chase. Dipper and Wendy make it over a crack in the earth, but the car crashes and they both are very injured. A person comes up to them and gives them his hand, and this person turns out to be Soos, who has been wandering around helping others throughout the chaos. Gideon finally gets to the other side and him and his crew surround Dipper, Wendy and Soos. Gideon shows that he has the key to Mabel's bubble and says that Mabel is his, but Dipper tells Gideon that Mabel would never be his, and this is not the way he would have her. Dipper then proceeds to convince Gideon to give them the key to save Mabel. Gideon gives them the key and they go to the bubble, unlock it and jump in. The bubble was a dream world for Mabel where she was mayor and did anything she wanted. Mabel wants to stay in the bubble, but Dipper convinces her that they needed her out of the bubble in order to defeat Bill. While they were in the bubble, Bill decided to take make the chaos global, and destroy the world. When they try to leave there is a barrier that they could not breach. Bill makes Stanford normal again and tries to go into his mind to find how to break the barrier. But Stanford has a metal plate in his head which prevents him from entering. When they try to escape the bubble everything turns evil and goes against them, and they are forced to escape the bubble. Once they get out the travel to the Mystery Shack where Stanley and many other citizens had took shelter. Since the shack was immune to the chaos of the outside world they decided to make it mobile, something to get them close to the fortress where Stanford was trapped. Their plan works and a battle scene commences, as the mobile shack fought off Bill the main characters jumped out and got the the fortress. They free Stanford and he makes a plan to use the Cipher that was seen at the beginning of every episode. They try the plan, but Stanley gets angry and Stanford and the plan is ruined. Bill returns and says this "Oh no, it's Bill! Right? Isn't that what you're all thinking? Hey, Gideon, why aren't you dancing? Chop chop, huh?" He then proceeds to say "Ha ha ha ho! This is just too perfect! Didn't you brainiacs know the zodiac doesn't work if you don't all hold hands? And what's better, you've brought every threat to my power together in one easy-to-destroy circle!" Bill burns the circle and turns all the main characters except for Stanley, Stanford, Dipper and Mabel into tapestries with pictures of them screaming in front of their symbols. Bill puts Mabel and Dipper into a cage, and Bill tells Stanford to let him into his mind so he can figure out how to break the barrier or else Mabel and Dipper will die. Before Stanford can respond Mabel sprays paint into Bill's eye and they escape from the cage. They run away but Bill puts Stanley and Stanford in a cage and chases them down and eventually catches them. He brings them back to the brothers and is about to kill one of the kids. Just before this happens Stanford says he'll allow Bill into his mind. He allows him out of the cage and they shake hands so that he can get into his mind. When he enters his mind he finds that it is a clear room with a door, and when he opens it he finds Stanley. The brothers had switched clothing and Stanley impersonated Stanford and made the deal with Bill. Back in the real world Stanford pulls out the memory eraser tool and shoots Stanley with it. This would destroy Bill along with Stanley's mind. In Stanley's min the door shuts behind Bill and everything starts to burn. Bill starts to beg him offering him unlimited power, but its too late. As Bill is being weakened Stanley punches him and he is destroyed. In the outside world the Weirdmaggedon ends, and everything is turned back to normal. Stanley regains his memories with the help of his kids and they soon celebrate Mabel and Dippers birthday. After this Dipper and Mabel leave Gravity Falls and everyone says goodbye.
Thank you for reading through my Top 10 Gravity Falls Episodes List. I hope this list convinces you to watch this show if you already have not. -Noah Makin